What Is The Best Treatment For Frozen Shoulder

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What Is The Best Treatment For Frozen ShoulderWhat Is The Best Treatment For Frozen Shoulder?. This is a common question asked by many sufferers world wide and the best answer to this question is often one that is not ‘one size fits all’. Every person that suffers a frozen shoulder suffers a unique degree of injury, pain and limitation in movements. For some, recovery can be months while others it can last for years. So how is one meant to know whats a good way to treat this common problem.

The shoulder is a rather complex part of the human body. The basic structure includes 3 bones, the clavicle, scapula and humerus. There is also a series of muscles and tendons that allow for the range of movement that is possible for most healthy people. It is the combination of strength and agility that allows for the range of motion and actions that rely on the shoulder for pushing, lifting and pulling.

Unfortunately, there may be times when a problem develops with this part of the body and one of those problems is a frozen shoulder. This issue results in pain, stiffness and a limited range of movement in the area. As the problem progresses, it could result in the formation of scar tissue, resulting in further difficulties in using the shoulder.

Treating Frozen Shoulder Is Not Easy

It is not only important to consider why this problem may exist, it is also good to consider the best treatment for frozen shoulder. In doing so, you are giving yourself the best chance of getting beyond the difficulty once and for all. Its said that the average healing time is about 24 months which is a considerable amount of time to not be able to raise your arm above your head. Arming yourself with some at home remedies is a good way to counter act the length of time Frozen Shoulder takes to heal.

There are a number of underlying issues that could result in a problem with a frozen shoulder. At its core, however, is often a lack of use of the shoulder joint, typically due to pain or a chronic health condition, such as a stroke or diabetes. It is also possible to happen after surgery or a serious injury that requires the shoulder to be immobilized. Interestingly, more women experience this difficulty than men.

In order to diagnose the problem, a physical exam will take place. If it is found that you have limited movement in the shoulder, your doctor may have an x-ray done to determine if there is a physical condition leading to the problem, such as a broken bone or arthritis. If other issues are ruled out, your doctor may diagnose the problem as a frozen shoulder and start you on a treatment program.

When considering the best treatment for frozen shoulder, your doctor may take a number of things into consideration. There are different treatments, and the one that is selected may differ from one person to another, depending on their personal circumstances. You may experience some benefits quickly from these treatments but it might take a year or longer to get better.

Some Of The Best Treatments That Are Typically Considered

Anti-Inflamitory Medication Ways To Treat Frozen Shoulder From Home

One of the first forms of treatment is typically a medication to reduce inflammation and pain. These can either be over the counter NSAIDs or they may be prescribed. Always consult your Doctor before taking any new medication.

Heat and Ice

Applying heat to the shoulder area may also help to reduce the pain and help to extend the range of motion. This is typically followed by applying ice to the area, which reduces inflammation and improves circulation.

Stretching/Massaging For Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Following a course of gentle stretching may help to improve the range of movement. Your physician will provide specific stretching exercises. Massaging while experiencing Frozen Shoulder, is a technique that should be encouraged.

From massage you can get increased blood flow to the shoulder which can result in reducing muscle stiffness and relieve pain very fast. Massaging may also decrease the overall time Frozen Shoulder is present, which is why learning how to massage your Frozen Shoulder is a great skill to have as you can do it from home on demand.

InjectionsPreventing Frozen Shoulder

In order to further help reduce the inflammation, your doctor may give a cortico-steroid injection directly in the area.

Physical Therapy

This can either be done at home using exercises provided by your physician or it can be done with the help of a qualified physical therapist.


Typically, surgery will only be considered if other forms of treatment are not helping. Typically, you will have two surgeries, both done under anesthesia. The first is to stretch the tight tissue by moving your arm into various positions. The second may be given to cut through the tight and/or scar tissue that might be leading to the problem.

Prevention Is Key

It is also possible to prevent a problem with frozen shoulder in many cases. This is done by using motion exercises, stretching the area and strengthening the muscles. It may be able to help if these exercises are performed before or after surgery or after you have an injury that could lead to frozen shoulder.

While it’s easy to forget about the potential risks of Frozen Shoulder occurring from a simple shoulder injury, it makes good practice to stretch your muscles every day in the morning after waking up. This will help with potential muscle injuries that could happen.

Do You Suffer From Frozen Shoulder?

A problem with frozen shoulder can be both painful and inconvenient. But you are not without options when it comes to treating it. The first port of call is to contact your Doctor immediately for further analysis. From there you can get a better idea of the severity and potential treatments based on your personal results.

By choosing the best treatment for frozen shoulder for your specific needs, you can often see results quicker and eventually overcome the problem. Simple massages techniques may be all that is required to stimulate blood flow and increase the chances of a faster recovery.

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